
Thank you to everyone who has visited or sent cards, flowers, bushes , poems , txts, emails etc. It helps to know that people are thinking of Rosie .We’ve done nothing but think of Rosie and i’m reliving ( in my head ) everything that happened on this day 1 year ago. I look for answers, I question everything , and I come to the same conclusion – she was so so so unlucky and there are no answers as to ‘why ? ‘ – the same conclusion I came to when Jane died ,except with Jane , I questioned why she had to suffer so much .That doesn’t mean to say I’ll stop asking , I’ll question…… life/A belief system/the universe /luck/fate etc etc , til the day I die – so be prepared to put up with a very distracted/scared /unhappy/happy/heartbroken Rachel. Sally Tye, a friend in NZ has just emailed to say she has adopted a star in Rosie’s name , that can be seen from London . So when she sends me the co-ordinates , I’ll let you all know and you can get your hands round a big telescope ( any excuse ) ..and have a look.

Today ,we have done what Rosie liked best ( No , not go to White Heat – that would be 1 step too far ), but gone out for a lovely sharey Italian lunch and then this evening some of Rosie’s friends are coming for supper and games and maybe a drink or 2. They are invited for 6.30 , so what time do you put your money on Stolly arriving ? I’ll start the bidding on 7.22pm !

One Reply to “21.12.09”

  1. Various thoughts of Rosie today, including songs on the radio, a friends son having a hysterically funny journey on the 427 bus (which reminded me of the Tigers on 3 story), glace cherries, Lola’s artwork which is colourful and very inspired by what she saw at We Cluster & Stick, dancing round the kitchen with abandon. Will look forward to following her star always. x T

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