
Ten bloody years and we all miss her so very very much .

I have a lot to write ,but no energy to do it .Being sad is exhausting ……
but we had a lovely day – a walk to The Isis, The Serpentine ( I did NOT like the flies ) and Sackler Galleries , afternoon tea in the beautiful V&A cafe , beer in the micro-brewery and a Thai feast .All Rosie’s favourites

So just a quick than-you to all those who sent flowers, donations, gifts and messages .They mean a lot

4 Replies to “21.12.18”

  1. We had Thai last night too and I thought it was fitting as it was such a Rosie favourite. Katie, Charlotte, Maisie, Sophiya, Anna and Ellie went out for Thai too and raised a glass (and some shots) to Rosie – so we all thought of her over spring rolls and pad thai 🙂 I remember when we went for Thai for Rosie’s 13th birthday, I had never had it before, she always was an adventurous eater! xxx

  2. These photos!!! So bloody beautiful and I love everything about Rosie sitting in front of her artwork, so so much xxxxxxx

  3. These photos!!! So bloody beautiful and I love everything about Rosie sitting in front of her artwork, so so much xxxxxxx

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