
Our builders are lovely -three brothers .They haven’t done any work for us since Rosie died .They even offered to box in Rosie’s big picture , so we ( John ) wouldn’t have to take it down . But of course we ( John ) took it down , and it is safe and protected in the front room . One of the brothers told me his partner’s son died on the 17th October ,last year .He was 17 .Today would have been his 18th Birthday .Liam knew he was dying ,he was in GOS Hospital , his lungs failing and while there he planned his own funeral . I have just seen his Order of Service , and it is beautiful .He was studying art and as well as lots of photos ( one of his last was with Frank Lampard , who visited him in GOS , and who he said was fantastic, kind and funny ) was some of his art work . His entry music was ‘Blind Faith ‘ by Chase and Status and at the end he chose ‘I don’t want to miss a thing ‘ by Aerosmith as he wanted at least one song that would make people cry !

I never knew him , but I continue to feel a deep love and protection for those young people to whom life has been so very cruel .

So today I remember Liam Patrick Albert Costello , who should have been 18 , and Auntie Grace , who celebrates her 90th Birthday and who is having a small tea party in the little lounge in her Old Folk’s Home- Bradbury House . More about that later .

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