The casting coach approaches

Does anyone else get a new format to the blog when they log on ? Ours has gone all funny – i’m worried its because people are getting it muddled up with the famous raunchy blogger ”Belle du Jour”. If ever the media approached us to make a TV drama out of this , I doubt if they’d cast Billie Piper – more likely to be Pam Ferris – BUT she was brilliant in Gavin and Stacey .

4 Replies to “The casting coach approaches”

  1. It was funny at first but then I pressed the ‘back’ key and pretended to go in the other room. I really hid behind the door and pounced back and clicked on ‘blog’ when it wasn’t looking. That worked a treat. Otherwise,thry pointing to the sky and shouting ‘look!’ that always distracts it and I never have any trouble after that.

  2. I’m so confused -why is there a coach coming?WHY is lorna talking about her computer as if its a naughty toddler?and…. might I know the runner with the hairy chest?

  3. is it Belle du Jour meets Coach Trip? You could call it Charabang Chatter maybe??

    why does it reject me so many times – this is the fourth time of trying to respond – usually i give up at 3…

  4. actually don’t answer my question – i am just laying myself open to abuse having even asked it.
    PS great pics of the run and barbie.

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