Where’s barry Norman when you need him ?

Jacob is having trouble writing on this blog ( something to do with Turkish Security ??), but he requests your help …….Film scenes with a person crying in them……..So get blogging to help a poor art student out

8 Replies to “Where’s barry Norman when you need him ?”

  1. Emma Thompson in Love Actually after shes realised her husband is having an affair. Alone in the bedroom trying to pull herself together while Joni Mitchell plays-a classic! (Liam Neeson in love actually crying at his wife’s funeral as well.)

    Will Smith crying in the toilet with his son in The Pursuit of Happyness.

    We’ll try and think some more…

  2. James Stewart in ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ and the lady (Celia?) in ‘Brief Encounter’-she does get something stuck in her eye at first so that doesn’t count but I think she cries later.

  3. wowza. all count and all are good. i did manage to find this though: http://www.joblo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107826 

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