Running For Rosie
The Asics British 10k (6.3 miles) London Run 11th JULY, 2010
THANK -YOU !!!!!
A massive thank you to everyone who ran, walked, supported and helped out in yesterday's Run for Rosie. It was a very special day and I'm sure it made Rosie smile. Another massive thank you to all of you who have raised and donated money for Rosie's fund with ACE Africa. Since the fund started, 70 individual Just Giving Pages have been set up and yesterday the total smashed £40,000. That means a lot to the Dwyers but even more to the children of the Southend Academy in Northern Kenya.
To maintain the support for ACE, in October Jacob and I are taking part in the Cycle Kenya Challenge. So, despite the fact you have already been very generous, please help to keep Rosie's memory alive and support the children of the The Southend Academy by donating on:
Thank you,
Following on from the success of last years run, we'll be "Running For Rosie" again this year. For Rosie and the children of Southend Academy,Kenya, we wish to continue supporting our art project. To date we have all raised over £33,500 which will fund the Art Teacher (Brenda), materials and the administration of the project for 4 years. If we can increase the total to £42,283, the project can run for 5 years . So............... if you feel inclined to walk /run/jog/crawl through a traffic free Central London on Sunday 11th July, 2010 , be with people who love Rosie, raise some money and then come back to Ealing for a barbie and beer or 2, please sign up HERE.

Runners from London 10K 2009
Click on LONDON 10K RUN 2009 to view photographs from last year's event.
On the justgiving site there are already a number of runners who have set up charity pages for Rosie and I can see these runners are busy collecting donations that will give a massive boost to the overall fund. Why not sponsor one of the runners? Seeing their fund grow will give them a great boost and will certainly help to keep them on track with their training. Please be generous with your donations, whatever the amount, as this will make a big difference to so many people...
£200 is the monthly salary for the teacher
£50 will pay for a teacher for a whole week
£25 will buy enough craft materials for a week
£10 will pay for a day of the teacher's time
£5 will pay for a day's worth of materials
To access the pages, set up individually by the runners running for Rosie on the www.justgiving.com website, left click on this SPONSOR link and type in ROSIE DWYER in the “Sponsor a friend” field.
The route (the same as last year)...
The Run will start at 9.35am from Hyde Park corner. The route takes you up Pall Mall, past Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar square up to St Pauls Cathedral and then on to Tower Bridge. Then it will take in the Tate Modern, the London Eye and the Houses of Parliament.
Thank you for your support.
John & Rachel Dwyer