I had this email from Georgina today .I hope she doesn’t mind me sharing it with you…..
Dear Rachel,
I read this, something that was said by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (I’d never heard
of her before, apparently she worked in the study of death and how people deal
with it) and I thought I’d send it to you:
”The agony is great and yet I will stand it. Had I not loved so much I would not
hurt so much. But goodness knows I would not want to diminish that precious love
by one fraction of an ounce. I will hurt. And I will be grateful for that hurt
for it bears witness to the depth of our meaning. And for that I will be
eternally grateful.”
I can’t say I entirely agree with being ‘grateful’ for the hurt, but I like the
sentiment – we grieve because we loved the person that we have lost so much.
While it is devastatingly tragic and unfair that we lost Rosie, the hurt that we
feel, and the various ways in which people remember Rosie, all pay tribute in
different ways to how much of an imprint she left in the world.
I’m moved with EKR’s words and the fact that Rosie’s lovely lifetime friend had the sensitivity and kindness to send them to me.
Rachel, when Rosie first died and I was so cross with the world, I read up about it. I read about the five stages of grief- denial,anger,bargaining,depression ,acceptance. I think these were written by Elisabeth Kubler Ross.She has written a lot about it.