Last nights ‘Accused’ was a bit of a damp squib – all a bit unreal and stupid really -unlike the first two .I thought the Sean Bean one was brilliant , the Anne Marie Duff one was good .But who am I to judge , couldn’t write a script if you put me in a darkened room for three days ( or 3 minutes come to that ). ‘Bad Education’ on the other hand ,once again , made me laugh out loud .I love it ,I love the students and I love him ,Jack Whitehall . I went out with my friend yesterday (who shall remain anonymous in case he’s mobbed). I think he looks like an older Jack Whitehall ,he thinks he looks like a slimmer Paul Hollywood………….
I think I agree with him … in fact I commented on it the other evening … he could learn to bake
if its who I think you are talking about…