Father’s Day – another tricky one .
But ,our jaws are on our chests and our minds are blown ,with the phenomena that is Bruce Springsteen .
Last night John and I walked up the road ,caught the 83 bus and went to see him at Wembley Stadium .He excelled himself ( not John-remembering his Oyster card ) ,but Bruce. Three and a half hours of boundless energy, humour ,warmth , singing .He got 2 very lucky women up on stage to dance with him and plucked one little boy out of the audience ,to share the mike with him and sing ‘Hungry Heart’ .The whole audience was up dancing and singing – the atmosphere was electric .No Beatle appeared, but he ended with ‘Twist and Shout’ ( which he wasn’t able to finish last year ) and then as his band left ,he thanked every one of them individually and came back on stage and sang ‘Thunder Road’ on his own with his guitar and harmonica .
But, concerts aren’t easy .Being in crowds isn’t easy .It unnerves me a bit and a I feel a bit lost emotionally – at times i want to run away and hide .I hold onto john and we dig-deep together .But the biggest thing is ,Rosie loved Bruce Springsteen .She had loads of his stuff on her ipod and when I look at those young girls dancing ,I just see her and I feel so sad for her .
I saw him Roundhay Park in 1979,I think .he’s what inspired Kings of leon to pen Sex on Fite !