Adam,is it open yet or is that an ‘artists impression’??
Still got a house-full here .Our five lovely Italian students have cooked us dinner ( some spaghetti thing ) , made pudding ( a huge tiramisu that they polished off for breakfast the following day ) and mojitos -which i thought was the best I had ever tasted -then they told me I’d drunk mine before they’d added the mixer !
So today Florence and I retreated to the peace and tranquility of Worthing Beach .We had the whole space between two groynes to ourselves , the reason being ,most other people couldn’t get their mobility scooters over the shingle . We have had lots of happy happy days there with Grandma,Jane ,Jo ,Jacob,Rosie,Natalie and Amy -the sheepdog -who looked just like her owner ,Jo .
Artists impression, its still being built now. Rumour has it will be free, which would be a great plus. xx