Just downloaded my photos onto the PC ( I lie- Florence did them for me ) .
There are over 1,500- even John got bored and threatened to walk away .
Little children and elephants feature highly .Coming third are shop fronts – Jacob’s favourite is ‘Digital Butchery’ – you should see the shop . My favourite is ‘Vatican City Restaurant and Hotel ‘- which is 3 pieces of battered corrugated held up by a huge black plastic butt with ‘car-Wash’ written in white paint on the side
I am going to edit ,print and put 200 in an album.That’s a job for next week .
For now I’m working out when we can have more students as I ( we ?) so want to go back
can you add photos to this blog or load them on picasso or something… i’m dead keen to see them – well, perhaps not 1,500 in one sitting 🙂
I’ll get on to techy support …( but all at Notting Hill carnival as I type !)