Mind that bloody gap ( as my counsellor says ,but without the ‘bloody’ )
There I am ,minding my own business having had a lovely few days …
brain gym time –
dinner at Terracotta with friends ( where happily ,Mr Grumpy the owner did not live up to his name )
breakfast at my favourite place to have breakfast with a view- Aqua up the Shard
Sigmar Polke – didn’t move me at all
Conflict Time Photography – OK
Chilled carafe of rose in Tate Members Room
fish ,chips and comedy at the Viaduct
a walk in the sun ,wind,rain and snow from Benfleet to Southend
and then
a hot bath and a read of my book and that’s when I fell down the gap ….
82% into ‘ The Boy That Never Was ‘ and I didn’t see this coming .
FYI – Felix is a little boy and Garrick is his Dad
”It was nobody’s fault .Felix got sick and died.There was no clue, no warning.There were no previous incidences of illness within either of their families; it had not been a time bomb lurking in their DNA. He had not died as a result of an accident ; there was no negligence on either of their parts.
And yet Garrick felt responsible. He felt guilty.”
It’s hard to go on after that.
I am not surprised you fell in that gap- your sadness is fact not fiction .
Keep going my friend, you are doing so well. everyday i admire your positivity and creativity.
Thinking of your beautiful Rosie and sending you big hugs xxxx
That must have felt like a massive punch in the stomach, winding you big time. Hard to breathe after punches like that. And, I’m with Robbie – you are an inspiration x