Today was a bit tricky .Not in the is it /isn’t going to lash down , but in the emotional sense .
Seventeen years ago today was the same day-wise as today .It was the Thursday of half term .It was the day my dear sister ,Jane ,died .
I wouldn’t wish what she had to endure ,on anybody . She was certainly no angel , but by God she was amazing . She was kind, generous, funny, witty , observant ,creative and had to put up with so much .It seemed to be one blow after another. But when we were together and with just one slight look we could howl with laughter .She knew what I was thinking ,I knew what she was thinking , she knew what I’d order whenever we went into a bar, cafe ,restaurant . She knew who I liked , who irritated me and i could take one look at her ravaged little body and make her comfortable – it was all about symmetry and getting her bum in the right position
.Syringomyelia is horrible and cruel and painful and frightening – on top of all her other physical problems ,it was just too much- her little body just couldn’t take any more .
And how Jane adored you, Rachel. I loved you guys together bouncing off each other’s humour and your get on with it attitudes. Miss her heaps too. Alastair and I shared Jane stories on 31 May but we think and talk of her on many other days as well xxx