Never trust a friend who says ”its just a 5 mile walk”………….10 miles on , and still walking, I began to have my doubts. Mandy planned this day out , we are still on our ‘explore kent’ kick. Well after getting off the train in Faversham at 11 , and immediately walking in the wrong direction and finding ourselves on an industrial estate, we turned around and ended up by the creek – from there on it was beautiful, if not long ! We walked along the River Swale to join the sea and ended up at The Neptune Pub at 5pm which is actually on the beach in Whitstable. Whitstable is fab and fishy , reminded me a bit of The river Blythe and Southwold. Then arriving back in victoria, the district line was down. Some copper who looked about 12 told us it was just Victoria tube that was closed , so we bussed it to Sloane Square , only to find it was the whole line – so we walked to knightsbridge. My toes look like 10 unpricked sausages this morning ( nothing new there then ! ) .
I hope you both had your big walking boots on (sausage toes or not). I don’t like the image of you and Mandy tripping around Kent with your strappy slingbacks and tiny chain handled handbags… it gives the rest of us ladies of a certain age a bad name….