Twenty years ago today , I was lying in Queen Charlottes Hospital , so dam happy. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was having had a heallthy baby boy 19months previously and then ..a healthy baby girl ( although she never stopped screaming ) and she gave us 19years , 12days of sheer unerdulterated happiness, I thank her to the end of the world for that.
Yesterday was hard, just so sad and so wrong. I thank friends, family and colleagues for their flowers ,cards , pimms,words, bread, chocs, Rosie’s recipe box, food,tapas, emails, fizz, vino and I was very touched that Helenka lit a candle for Rosie in Manchester Cathedral and it was lovely to talk to Izzy and Nikki in Leicester. It warms my heart that Rosie meant so much to so many. It was wonderful to have Jacob home even though he beat me in ‘The game with no name ‘ and to be surrounded by the love of John, Jacob and Florence and some of Rosie’s closest friends.