Managed to get radio contact with Jacob today, which was a miracle as only one of the whole party can get a signal on her phone in Gigha. They were out walking and mid way through the phonecall he spotted a seal. At first I thought he meant he’d seen the the singer , Seal, and I commented that it was common for the rich and famous to escape to these remote places. He then said he wanted to spot a whale and the only famous one I know ( apart from Free Willy ) is James Whale on LBC , who is a right wing old git, so I said it would be better if he didn’t see one. Meanwhile , down south , we went out for a round walk in The Chilterns-down dale ,along the River Chess and up a bloody great hill- beautiful
In fact , by the end of the phonecall Jacob established it wasn’t a seal , but a Big Bird , and NOT the one in Sesame Street.