Yesterday , you could have been forgiven for thinking we were in Spain . It wasn’t the fact that Jacob, Florence and I were wearing sombreros and factor 50, but for the stuff we did. We had planned to go to the beach at Climping,but,rain stopped play and so instead we hit The Southbank. First stop- The Imax. I was an Imax virgin, but having been there, its fab. We saw Toy Story 17- having never seen the other 16 , I was worried I wouldn’t understand the plot , but rest assured , it was like an old editions of Crossroad – very little plot and people who spoke quite clearly(?) – except minus The Brummie accent and Amy Turtle..Buzz Lightyear’s hips when he flamenco danced were amazing – how do they do that with a puppet thing ?
From there we hit The Hayward Gallery and saw , Ernesto Neto’s exhibition ‘The edges of The World’.Don’t be confused ,he is not the founder of the chain of cheap supermarkets , but a Brazilian artist who I think,family owns a net curtain company – I’ve never seen so much of the stuff. We took our shoes off and got stuck in . While on the roof , dipping my fingers into his swimming pool, I had a memory lapse , thought I was back in the South of France, and the rest nearly coming off. Luckily I was stopped in my tracks by the security guard approaching Jacob , as he entered a brightly coloured tent , which he thought was an exhibit – it was the women’s changing room !
Then the day was completed with a jug of sangria and plates and plates of tapas at one of our favourite little London restaurant Mar e Terra in Gambia street .
I guess people’ll ask me ‘did you cry in Toystory’ ? ( all the press write about how the film makes grown men cry .). Its odd , I don’t cry so much now over stuff that doesn’t matter and isn’t real.My tears are from my soul and so deep-rooted for Rosie, what she should be doing and what we should be doing with and alongside her.