I write on this website for one reason , I love Rosie and I can’t bear the thought you’d ever forget her. I apologise if I repeat myself, but stuff gets stuck in my head and I have to say it or it sends me half crazy. As I’ve mentioned before , I find it very hard to get stuck into a book , my mind goes AWOL, and I end up reading the same page over and over again – til I just give up. However,I am drawn like a moth to a flame , to words written by a parent whose child has died. I instantly feel a bond with them and want to put an invisible protective arm around their child – it makes no sense , I’ve never met them, yet I feel so close to them.
I don’t know if you read the article in Saturday’s Guardian entitled ”I found a message in a bottle”.It was written by Karen Liebreich, an English woman , who came into possession of a washed up plastic bottle, which contained a letter by an anonymous French woman, whose son ,Maurice , had died in a cycling accident , aged 13. I read it ,and found it profoundly moving. I guess its because I struggle with trying to express how I feel, and am bowled over when someone writes such beautiful and moving language. She wrote. ”Forgive me for being so angry at your disappearance ,I still think there’s been some mistake and I keep waiting for God to fix it………Forgive me for not having known how to protect you from death .forgive me for not having been able to find the words at that terrible moment when you slipped through my fingers” and like every other bereaved parent ( with a faith or not ), she concludes ”While God gives me life, I promise you to live it to the full, to savour each instant in richness and serenity know that we will find one another, when the time comes”.
We cling to this .