No-one came off their bike- it’s more dangerous cycling to Greenford.

John and Jacob are home safe and sound. We had a big emotional reunion( i.e. me sobbing ) in terminal 3 , followed by that favourite British traditional Sunday dish – chicken tikka marsala , followed by the official Team Clarke and Team Fletcher welcome home ceremony, complete with a banner and champagne,beer,chocolate etc.

I don’t want to steal J&J’s thunder, they have so much to share, and I know when they have time ,they will put pen to paper/photos to disc/video to system ….etc etc.They had an AMAZING emotional, physical and at times heart-rendering ,adventure. I was moved by their description of their visit to The Southend Academy. I won’t say too much , but outside Brenda’s classroom is a sign ”Rosie Dwyer’s Art room” and inside ,one wall is filled with photos of Rosie and her artwork .The students have used these as a starting point for their work ,and there are sketches of Rosie in her Waitrose uniform , complete with hat !

I am utterly convinced EVERY penny you have donated is making a difference- those kids are happy,healthy and through Rosie and you ,are now receiving an education that will hopefully lead to an independent life. From the five of us, I thank you.

4 Replies to “No-one came off their bike- it’s more dangerous cycling to Greenford.”

  1. Not sure how all this works. I’m not a regular blogger>
    I wanted to say that J and J haven’t just toddled off for a little bike ride. They have done an amazing physical challenge that 99% of the population could not even contemplate, but of course they have had the biggest personal impetus to achieve something.

    They have climbed mountains in pain, in heat, in physical distress and just carried on. Because in their hearts and minds and souls they were doing this for Rosie – for her, her memory, and for the school.
    I don’t think I had really any idea what it means to the school itself until I saw the footage from the visit to the classroom> this awful tragedy of Rosies’s death is having a positive effect for so many kids we will never know. And they are depending on this funding> The classroom is named after Rosie> the huge plaque on the wall says its funded by the Dwyer family but interestingly it says “2010-2015” because that is the amazing five year funding we have all managed to create.
    Rosies fund has transformed these kids’ lives. I hope we can keep on supporting them.
    I would simply ask everyone who can to look at the film aand think how they can help in years to come.


  2. The image of Rosie Dwyers Art room is the nicest thing I’ve imagined for a very long time! that is truely amazing!! the thought of all the little children drawing pictures of her too, so so lovely xx

  3. also, im not sure if john and jacob maybe brought some home themselves or if theres photos, but it would be amazing if we could see some of the work made by the children, if they could send some over or something it would be lovely to see their pictures xx

  4. 🙂 I really hope that one day i’ll be able to visit! looking forward to seeing pictures and hearing morelots of love xx

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