Apart from doing the usual …….. exercise – of the Grandmama buttock clenching variety , walking – Bushy park with Jane H., Richmond Park with Mary M., coffee- with Christian at the newly named ‘Riverside Cafe’ – tricky one as it used to be called ‘Grounds Cafe ‘, and so Christian spent 25 minutes looking for it, supper – with Sarah C……I have learned to use Rosie’s ipod. I’m not as ubercool as to stick things in my ears wear it as I ride a bike ( I haven’t actually got a bike ), but I do listen to it when I’m in the kitchen. I have it on shuffle , so there’s always a bit of scary anticipation as to the next song , will I be able to cope with it ? Today I was dong OK , jigging along to Christie Moore, belting it out with Elvis, lamenting with Pete Doherty and then on came” All kinds of everything” by Dana…..so I gave Rosie a severe telling off for her bad taste and switched Dale Winton on Radio 2 instead.