While John and Bobby F bonded over the Dorney Dualthon ( both doing amazingly well, and John managing NOT to follow a random cyclist , veer off the course and onto the street, thus adding 4.8 minutes to his time , like last year) , Florence and I bonded over breakfast in Papillion and High Tea in this trendy ( apart from me ) , vintagey ( me being the oldest and genuine article ) tea shop just off Brick Lane . Just another manic Sunday.
was this the night time cycle?
sounds amazing- get him to do a blog entry on it.
No ,it was 5k run,20K cycle,5k run .Last year Andrew,Richard,Bob,George and John did it ( Paul and Ringo weren’t available ). The Dunwich Dynamo – 120miles overnight cycle, finishing with a swim in the sea , isn’t til July .
What’s occurrin in Newcastle ?