We’ve just got in from Chelsea and its looking good. The 2 big pieces don’t go up til monday ,when the scaffolders arrive – then it will look AMAZING. For Rosie , we want as many people as possible to attend , so please tell ALL you friends and family and encourage them to come. Sadly , my Brother Richard and his wife Lise can’t come cos of medical reasons ….which is very sad for me , plus poses the problem of who is going to bring Grandmama….any offers ? A huge thank you to Bob , who helped us all day and to Steve at work for helping me with the horrible job of taking the seats out the mini bus.
Next week is a HUGE celebration of Rosie – her creativity, family and friends, but it is also the last week with had with her , a year ago . So ,I just want to apolojise now , if there atre times I am not with it or just very very sad. Stick with me
I have just sorted out all the ‘stockings’ for Jacob, Rosie and Florence 2008. Another hard thing to do. I think most of it ‘ll go back on The Brigstock manor Christmas Tombola – so at least some people are better off . God knows what they’ll do with a lurex thong ) a joke present from Primark ! )