This time last week we were putting our glad-rags on , thanking the Lord for a sunny day and also Dunham Malbec for coming first in the 2nd Towcester greyhound race , thus making me a winner , and so not out of pocket for the rest of the night .
Thank you so much Anieka and Ian for an amazing ,happy ,dancey ,joyous,beautiful wedding .
Right from the beginning , being led by The Indian Drummers and dancing around the statue of George 1, to join the rest of the family on the steps of Stowe School , it was special. Then it just got better and better , the service , the mingling on the steps ( south entrance this time ) , and as for the wedding breakfast – sublime . Never before have we danced in to a wonderful band ,danced on our chairs , watched other people dance ,belted out Boyzone songs( and others but that’s the only one I remember ), cheered , clapped , talked and just laughed – and this was all before ,during and after the Indian feast .
Then it cranked up another notch – absolutely amazing