I knew it would be sad ,and it might have been stupid ,but a friend ( another bereaved Mother ,whose 17 year old son ,Jonathan ,tragically died 5 days after Rosie ) and I went to see the play ‘The Match Box ” at The Tricycle Theatre yesterday afternoon. And yes it was sad ,but no it wasn’t stupid ,as to see a play ( written by a man ) about a woman whose young daughter dies suddenly , and then her describing /displaying her post traumatic emotional fall-out , made us feel quite normal and had the rest of the audience in tears and up on their feet by the end.
Thank you to Jane and Roy for feeding us like kings and making us feel very loved and protected last night. Also for giving us the pure unadulterated joy of sitting in their 5*camper van and letting us play with the fold-down wash hand basin ( which is above a proper toilet which is in a wet room ) – heaven .