I had a lovely text from Nikki. She is on her round-the world-travels. She wrote ‘I lit a floating candle for Rosie ,on The Ganges ,yesterday ‘. I am very moved and very grateful .It made me weep.
Yesterday ,three months after everyone else ,I saw ‘The Artist’. . It was OK , could have done with 20mins chopped out the middle and it didn’t help that the main actress looked like Christine Bleakly ,and in my mind I kept seeing her dancing in sequins or sitting with Adrian on the sofa, then at the end of the film there was a fight in the cinema-which was odd ,cos there were only about 12 of us in there and it was The Coronet in Notting Hill ,which is quite sedate ( average age 72.3 ) .
Thinking of Rosie, The Ganges and Easter, we all went up to The Isis and I looked to Ganesha ,for it is said he is the remover of obstacles and the destroyer of sorrows.