Thank you to my dear friend Julia ,who sent me the most beautiful photos of all our children playing at the Cotswold Wildlife Park around ,19 years ago .It’s funny but when I see photos such as those – it takes me right back to that exact moment in time . I can even remember where I bought the children’s clothes- except I probably didn’t ,as Jane bought most of them .
I had forgotten that but I remember very clearly onetime whenwe met at Blenheim and as I was waiting for you I parked on the grass verge just inside the gate and the Duke was at home and he someone down to tell me to move as I was disturbing his view!! Glad you like the photos xx
I remember that and when I next saw my Mum I told her . Every visitor she ever had after that , she would say to me ‘ tell them the story about when your friend parked at the end of the Duke of Marlborough’s drive”.mother LOVED that story.
Do you remember ..the maze and those giant floor puzzles ?
oh the children loved that area of Blenheim,I often think I should go back to Blenheim and actually look inside the palace!
I did actually do that- about 6yrs ago with a bunch of girlfriends.The palace is beautiful and ’round the back’ are more amazing gardens .
Also ,we saw Joan Armatrading followed by Van Morrison there and the Duke and Duchess were sitting in the front row. I did go up to him and apologise for you parking your old banger in the front of his drive !
…i think they’ve split up now