I went to a very beautiful funeral today . It was a service to celebrate the life of Kathleen Bridget O’Malley , known as Kath. Kath is the sister of my dear friend Theresa ,who many of you know , and who sang at both Jane and Grandmas’ funerals . The service was conducted by Father Bartlomiej Dudek , a Catholic Priest.
Last Thursday at work it was our Leavers’ Records of Achievements Ceremony .Every student has their own individual tribute, given by a different member of staff .Like most schools in London it is multi-cultural and multi-denominational and the ceremony is non-religious .
But at both celebrations the same poem , a Traditional Irish Blessing ,was heard. At Kath’s , it was sung magnificently by Theresa .At work it was read by a Muslim member of staff for a Muslim student
” May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
and the rain fall soft upon your feet
and until we meet again
may God hold you in the palm of His hand .”