This is a little snippet of Jacob’s latest email …..”right now im in Cancun, Mexico- it is our last night- we’ve been in the jungle swimming in waterfalls and today we went to these natural caves and snorkelled. beautiful. caves full of bats and teaming with small catfish. saw one turtle too. we have no place to stay tonight cos at 4 am we need to be at the airport to fly to Jamaica- Kingston town. Cancun is a horrible city. the weathers terrible too here. just hangin around at a hostel right now. today I SHAVED OFF MY GINGER BEARD.”
This is a little snippet of my diary …”walked round Richmond Park.Saw lots of deer , 2 rabbits and a dead squirrel . Walking the Thames Path ( not all of it ,I’m not David Walliams) tomo . Anything to avoid the football. Couldn’t find a razor , so didn’t bother with the shaving.