I swopped my days to go away in term time, and still Stansted airport was heaving

In case you were wondering ,I wasn’t

1. sulking

2.taken up with either of those offers

3.watching Lorna’s box-set of ‘The killing’

We had in fact gone to France , and beautiful it was too .

My friend,Rowena lives in The Magic Valley of Caunes Minervois , where the trees are green ,the sky is blue, the wine is cheap and the Cathars were persecuted .

It was just what the doctor ordered for John and I ..if only that doctor could get all those thoughts of French Keycamp holidays ,when the kids were young and happy and carefree, out of my head . Because I so want to turn that clock back ,and for us all to be together again .Will I ever get to a point the past memories don’t eat me up and spit me out ?

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