..we now have lights , cooker ( came today ) and no washing machine. Just got back from the soup kitchen ,was a bit worrying when up til 3.15 , there were only 4 of us making 19 loaves of bread into sandwiches – even my dual handed swift action buttering techniques didn’t speed things up. It didn’t help that someone opened the doors at 3.17 , and so the punters came flooding in and had to sit and watch us make their butties. John had an interesting chat with a young guy who had recently come out of Ealing Hospital.He showed John some pictures of his stay – they involved the curtains being closed ,some cans of Tenants Extra and a young lady in a nurses uniform who wasn’t quite state registered . Meanwhile my lovely Charlie ( you can’t help but have favourites ) showed me a picture he had taken of a Peregrine Falcon on top of the church roof where he sleeps rough .I think I got the long straw.
that sounds amazing. what was the photo like? and which one was charlie. perhaps i could use it for my auto biography front cover as I’ve already come up with its title;”Jacob Dwyer; Enter the mind of a peregrine Falcon and fly with me”