2 Long Island Iced Teas and my balls were all over the place.No strikes , never even got all 10 skittles down , but managed to come a ( respectable ? ) third. Last night we celebrated Richard C’s 53rd Bday . We went one up from Park Royal and a Nandos to All Star Lanes and a burger – lovely place , lovely company but need to practice my spins – or just hitting the skittles.
Thanks to Bob and Richard ( not to be confused with Justin and Colin ) for this mornings little garden makeover. Bobby and I emptied ,scrubbed and refilled my little pond .We washed 14 frogs and one fish and returned them to their clean home. Richard meanwhile planted the rose the Clarkes gave us for Rosies’ 21st.
Soupy this afternoon and then we’ll hotfoot it straight to hosp to see The G .There was more excitement in the ward yesterday , cos although the police-operation was scaled down a bit ( to 4) the actress who is in Eastenders and Bad Girls, Mother ,was in the next room to Gma, and so there was a celeb in the house.*
Any chance of a reality tv prog from the ward? I’d watch it ! Hope your mum continues to make good progress xx