Helen C , I love Nancy and was a bit disappointed that there were no shots of her tucking into some tasty morsel.( and I’m not talking about an expectant father ). But ,in this episode the screaming and the swearing and men talking about crazy things and patronising midwifes ,surpassed itself .
Dined with Rose and Grandmama in room 29 , Uplands Care Home, today. We all tucked into prawn and cress butties and they both had a large brandy and coke. Poor Rose nearly met her maker when I tripped over her oxygen line, en route to the loo , and Grandma didn’t hear her wheezing .Thank God for Priscilla The Housekeeper who had only popped in to empty the bin.
Anyone got a knitting pattern for mittens?
bloody hell. old peoples home sitcom material right there. When rose asked my to look for that DVD the other day I realised I’d been standing on her oxygen wire whilst I’d been looking.