It was blub city round our house last night – not for the fact the house is still in pieces with no pictures on the walls and everything is covered in a fine layer of dust and the floor isn’t even sanded yet …or … I’d come back from Zumba and feared I’m never going to walk properly again ( even though the wonderful ,Karen, our teacher , told me ,how energised I’d feel -.She lies ) or because I couldn’t bear to look at Doctor Christian’s stupid grin as he said ‘hop up on the couch and I’ll take a closer look’. But because I watched the last ‘Call the Midwife’ ,on my own . Poor Chummy haemorrhaging and Sister Bernardette falling in love with one of The McGann Brothers . When she left the convent she looked just like Maria when she left hers and before she started The Von Trapp Family Singers . I swear the scriptwriter/wardrobe mistress has seen ‘The Sound Of Music’ once too often ( Like John )