On Sunday night John,Declan and I settled down to Downton Abbey .It was a moving episode ,Sybil ( one of the earl of Grantham’s daughters had died suddenly ) and there was a lot of talk about death . Some of the lines were so true .So last night I re-watched the first fifteen minutes and jotted down some of the lines ….
”Grief makes one so terribly tired”- Sybil’s Grandmother
”Is it over? When one looses a child, is it ever really over ? ” – Sybil’s Mother
”when you loose a child, there’s nothing worse under the sun” – A maid
This may sound odd, but these sentences, uttered by actors, are strangely comforting .Because if someone chose to write them, another to say them , they must be ( sort-of ) true ,and I am not mad after all.
Not one iota mad, Rachel, not one little bit. Rather an incredibly honest, grieving mother. In my mind I can’t imagine ever getting over the death of your child. ever, ever. Much love xxx
Thank you for writing that Sally .It means a lot