I’ve got so much to write ,my head hurts .
But apart from the 5 hour delay back from Glasgow to Heathrow ( thank God for Scrabble , The Sunday papers John Kennedy Toole’s ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’ and a £5 BA voucher to be spent in the Stodge-Shop ), it was a brilliant mini-break .
I love a mini-break , come to that I love a maxi-break .
My shrink reckons I get the most out of ‘experiences’ , that is why I like doing stuff and going places . Grandma would say I’ve always been like that and just don’t particularly enjoy my own company .I’m not sporty or a shopper and sometimes I feel a bit trapped if there are too many people around me , so exploration suits me fine .
John and I went to Glasgow to see Christy Moore , spend time with Florence , drink Iron Brew and suss out the best Greggs in town . We managed 2 out of the 4 , plus eating African food, drinking Tusker , breakfasting at a diner , eating at a restaurant ,111bynico staffed by young people who’ve faced enormous challenges in their lives, plus other stuff
If you haven’t heard of Christy Moore , youtube him singing Biko Drum ,cos that was the song he played for ‘John and Rachel Dwyer from London ‘. We nearly fell off our respective perches onto the sprung dance-floor ( actually it was an all standing, all singing, all dancing gig ) when he gave us a shout out . We had no idea that was going to happen . A friend of ours (and his) asked him to do it . We were so shocked , we shouted to the people around us ‘That’s us’ .To which the people next to us shouted to their friends ‘that’s them’ and we all went hysterical . Such a great night out .
What a lovely start to the worst half-term of the year .