The torn out Liverpool town centre page of an old GB road atlas did us proud .We didn’t get lost once.
It was a great day , apart from the crap coffee on the Virgin train everything went like a dream .
The people of Liverpool were lovely and chatty and funny and Colin ( never met him before ) even offered to show us round.
We oohed and aahed at the exhibition , watched a 10minute video of Chris talking , posed outside The Cavern Club , had sad faces when we found out The Mersey Ferries weren’t running til 6pm , had happy faces when we walked all round the docks in the sunshine , ate and drank loads at Delifonseca then came home.
I had never spent a whole day with Rowena before and it was good.
I explained to her that sometimes I go quiet and I cannot speak a word to the person I am with. I’ve learned that my grief can be loud ,and when it is ,I try not to speak over it.