I think I’m being stalked .Last night I went to the theatre ,and sitting right behind me was …..Christopher Biggens ( he has a very loud laugh ) and last year on March 9th , just over a year ago (spooky ? ) he followed me in to see ‘Puttman High 25th Spelling Bee ‘. Funnily enough on both occasion I had been to Belgos first for moules and frites .Now I’m wondering if he was one of those waiters dressed as a Trappist Monk .
Anyway back to last night .Fiona kindly took me out and John drove up to town and brought us home . We went to see Hans Klok – Think Peter Stringfellow meets David Blaine meets Zoolander meets La Soiree meets Tranny Bingo – it had it all .It had to be the campest , over the top, Houdini Experience ,in town.We LOVED it . I couldn’t sit still for flying lightbulbs, tables, maidens levitating ,Hans levitating ,everyone disappearing and re-appearing somewhere else , straightjackets being undone while hanging upside down between 2 huge metal claws ( which snapped shut 1 second after Hans got done ), rollerblading, contortion dancing ( and that wasn’t me getting into my seat ), tightrope walking on your head, dancing, bondage, Hans submerged in chains in a tank of water and instantly swapping places with a maiden ( scantily clad ,of course ) .This stunt was just before the interval ,allowing Hans time to blow-dry his hair and re-apply his fake tan . etc etc . Christopher and I were in heaven . I would have given him a standing ovation , but by the time I’d positioned my boot ,held onto the persons shoulders in front and stood up , everyone else had sat down.
Now back to yesterday ,Izzy …sadly Teracotta was just a little too far for me and my boot to walk ( for a first outing ) , but I do go – even with Mr grumpy behind the counter .
Natalie ,thank-you for writing that about a grief – do circulate to your colleagues at your practice .
How I’m just off to tie John up ………