2 questions and a statement

Don’t be fooled into this heading being the title of a new, yet somewhat jaded ,Richard Curtis Film.

Q1. has anyone local any old remote controls or portable TVs they want to get rid off. They don’t have to work and they might be mashed up.

Q2. did anyone hear kate McCann interviewed by Aled jones ,on the radio this morn ? It was so moving, and apart from the spiritual stuff , I could associate with so much that she said. She chose to play Snow Patrol’s ‘Chasing Cars’- those words do my head in .

Statement – A record, 7 comments to 1 blog entry ( OK , I know 3 of them were mine )

5 Replies to “2 questions and a statement”

  1. why do you want old t.vs and such rachey? is it for art freak number 2- aka flo. is flo gunna make an old t.v totem pole and bring it into Kingston on her first day?!that WOULD be a statement.

  2. Huge LOL.
    No, they’re for my MFL lesson …leisure activities , regardez le television ooh lal a ( that last bit isn’t actually in the national curriculum )

  3. Oh my god I would love that if i saw Flo rock up to Kingston with a totem pole made of TVs on the bus. Some of the kookier ones would deffo love it.
    I’ve got this remote I used to use for my CD player if you want that? It’s not very big so if you’re learning about the TV in French I’m not usre how helpful it would be…

  4. I’ve got half a small plastic bottle. and I cut off the top to store left over coppers in it. but if you want it then I don’t mind taking the coppers out. and I’ll send it down in the post?

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