As I type ,my lovely neighbour ,Matt, has my bun in his oven. Actually it’s a lemon and polenta cake a la Nigella . Couldn’t find a recipe that did it in the microwave ,so its had to travel.
This morning I really missed him ,Graham ( and he’s also got the Friday night slot ) just isn’t the same . I know he’s off in India at Russ & Kate’s wedding ,but what what about Andy , where is he ? I bet he didn’t get an invite. I’m harping back to when I used to spend a blissful Saturday morning cooking ,with Jonathan Ross making me laugh. Jacob would be at work behind the fish counter , telling people how to cook their expensive Bream fillets ( marinate in ketchup and fry ) or in Newcastle, Florence would have friends to stay and would be cooched up under duvets with a breakfast consisting mostly of chocolate or at drama , and Rosie would come downstairs ( often worse for wear ) , make-up down her face , devastate the kitchen ( and that was just with tea and toast ) and then plead for a lift to Waitrose, which i would huff and puff about , then dutifully give. Sorry to keep reminiscing , but those memories go round and round in my mind.