In the grand scheme of things,it doesn’t really matter ,but when your oven goes BANG 6 days after the lovely New World engineer has been out and fixed it ,cos 5 days previous it had gone bang 20minutes after putting a ‘3hour slow-cooked beef stew ‘ ( which ended up being rather more chewy than it should have been ) in it , its a dam pain …. esp when the day ahead involves 2 separate visits to West Mid Hosp and having woken up all of a dither after having a vivid dream about Rosie .I cannot begin to tell you how hard this is ,I wake up believing she is alive …then the pain kicks in – but twice as intense. But the good news is Florence is home for 24hours ,so we went to Southall for a wonderful curry last night, home for The Apprentice – but wasn’t that a weak task – send them abroad !
Anyone got a baby belling – can’t stand boiled food for another week ?