Surpassed myself with busyness yesterday .
Thursdays are odd , with no Ma , no Uplands ,no Kirwin ( one of my favourite Uplanders – he was in the room opp Ma ,was only in his seventies ,but had had a dreadful stroke ,which made it nearly impossible to speak ). We always had our Thursday chat , made up of basic signing , facial expressions and pointing . He was a real treasure. The second bag of air-drying clay I bought to do a pottery afternoon with the residents ( Grandma made no bones about the fact ,she did not want to make a thumb or coil pot , so I told her she could just join us for the G&T and the chat ) still sits in Patricia’s office – maybe one day I’ll go back and do my workshop.
Anyway,back to yesterday….I took Lorna on the ‘amnesia walk’ and she took me for a fabulous lunch at The Builder’s Arms. The AW ,was the Olde Kensington Walk we did earlier in the year .Back then ,the guide told us so much …a few months later and I’d forgotten everything ,except the route , the coffee shop and the pub .
Then last night it was ‘Conjuring at The Court’- four magicians and a Punch and Judy man. God,Punch was so violent .He didn’t get his sausages out ,but Judy ,the baby and the policeman ,got a dam good beating -weird stuff. But for the first time ,there was my favourite sort of act – illusionists .We were in the second row of a small pub room , and we still couldn’t see how Carl changed his clothes from a suit into a superman outfit, got out of a leather-strapped bondage bed, and swop places with Dave , in the few seconds it took for Dave to open his umberella*.
What ‘amnesia walk’? Where have I been….?
Heston Bloomingtells poshest restaurant – my treat .Your turn next
Now it’s a weird language on mine! Looks like German, it asked me for my “Forfatter” when I tried to “Kommentar”
This is not a German sizeist website , anyone can write anything they want