Thank you to Steph and Declan ,and to Theresa for texting ,about Jane. It is good to remember how we used to laugh – you know really laugh – she was always one of the few people who could make me laugh hysterically and I’d trust to order of a menu for me !.
I’ve just finished 2 good books.Well one good – ‘Company of Liars’ by Karen Maitland and one excellent- ‘The Help’ by Kathryn Stockett . They are both easy to read ,and most importantly to me ,fast moving and page-turners ( I can’t be doing with flowery language ). They are very different books …Company of Liars is set in England, 1348 , and is about a group of misfits who band together to escape the plague , whereas The help is set in Mississippi, 1962, and is about black maids working for white families .
But in both , at some point I was stopped in my tracks when a character described the death of their child……
In ‘Company Of Liars’ , page 373,Rodrigo says ” It is hard to bury your own children.It breaks your heart in a way no other death can do, for you are burying part of yourself in that grave .”
In ‘The Help’ ,page 29, Aibileen says ”I lost my own boy ,Treelore, right before I started waiting on Miss Leefolt.He was twenty four years old.The best part of a person’s life.It just wasn’t enough time living in this world …….he slip off the loading dock, fell down on the drive. Tractor trailer didn’t see him ..By the time I found out , he was dead .That was the day my whole world went back.Air look back, sun look black .I laid up in bed and stared at the black walls a my house.Took three months before I look out the window, see if the worlds still there .I was surprise to see the world didn’t stop just cause my boy did.”
I know this is fiction , but somehow it makes me feel not so isolated and not a little bit crazy , when I see someone must think this true, to write these words down .Am I making sense ?
Now it’s on to Paula’s recommendation ..”Fifty shades of Grey” – and don’t think you’ll be getting any quotes from that one !
get ready john !!
Have just read 50 Shades of Grey and found it somewhat repetitive. Not sure if I am going to read the other two. I also remembered Jane especially on the 31st. I know why I always smile when I think of her. JuXX