News from outside

After 5 days Del has had her sainthood removed. I drove over to Brigstock ( shock horror , there’s a new resident , Bill, who has a mobile phone and can use it ) and after spending 30mins looking for everything Grandma has lost , wheeled her round to Mayday Hospital. It was deadly quiet in outpatients, me ( stupidly ) thinking , this is a turn up for the books, bedded in with my 3year old, well thumbed copy of ‘Womens weekly’ , only to be told there are no clinics that day as ALL the staff are on a trust traning day.- great.

So we return next Monday ( hoping all the staff aren’t on a team building day at Stringfellows ) and this Thurs – eyes …..and then thurs week – actual eye op ……and then thurs week week , post eye op. I think we’ll get a bench.

A few notes in response to my bloggy readers

Thanks Bob for taking the photos. since Rosie died ,sadly I have no deisre to take photos .Things just don’t seem celebratory at the moment.

Julia Lilley in Brum ( John and I met at her ex’s 30th birthday party ), Emailed to say her stepdaughter , Lucy Lilley in Cardiff, is going to be on the next series of ‘ come dine with me ‘.

Ann ( you have been validated) Downs txted to say she was in the same class at school with Dilly keane in Grumpy Old Women , her real name is Louise ( Dilly’s not Anns ) and she was quirky and funny (both ).

3 Replies to “News from outside”

  1. What a complete nightmare yesterday’s hospital trip sounds. Bad enough having to schlepp over the other side of London but for it to be a wasted visit (altho I’m sure Joan didn’t see it that way. Actaully, with her eyesight perhaps that’s not the best phraseology).
    I would love to see Bob’s photos of the ambulance if he can upload them somehow. For those of us not as close to the church as you three it would be good to see something tangible that has come from the initial donations.
    And finally; tenuous Z-list celebrity connections; I qualified with Wendy Denning, one of the Diet Doctors off the telly and all over Waitrsose ready meal stuff.

  2. I think I can do better than that – I went to Harrow art college where I was friends with Simon Le Bon – I’ll send the photos soon

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