Thank-you to the friends who have already written, emailed and texted . To Georgina for her beautiful card .To the ( three?) Kings and to Ann and Ian , for their generous donations to Rosie’s charity .To ( Auntie ) Ann for having a Mass said for Rosie ,in Devon. To Claire and Bob for taking us to see Spymonkey .To Spymonkey for getting their kit off and making us laugh .To Emma for taking me out on a very long walk .To George Clooney and Sandra Bullock for letting us wear silly glasses, eat wine-gums and drift into space for 90minutes.( ironic the Sandra Bullock character went into space due to her overwhelming grief for her daughter who died ) To the soupkitcheners for their warmth ,humour,vodka-breath , , blinding ,inappropriate comments and for taking us away from our sadness for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon.
I wish the four of us could be together tomorrow for Rosie’s 24th birthday ,but we can’t .We will all do something a little bit special for Rosie , and for me ,that will be playing her Kimmie Rhodes and Joe Ely’s ‘Catch the Wind’, going to work and launching myself across the room at Zumba.