I’m firing on two pistons today .
Supper with lovely friends on Friday night and then last night an in-house quiz .There were 7 of us and everyone did a round ,a dish,drinks and a prize .I love a quiz ,but it is a sure way to find out how thick I am .My team were OK with the blanked out stations on the tube map, the cheese and choc tasting ….not bad with the lines from songs in bingo-format ( think Jessindeedy without the Indeedy ) …..but crap with the posh crisps and naff-wine ( all under a fiver ) tasting and famous faces photos – even though they were plucked from Closer magazine and The Metro newspaper . One couple did the ‘Guess the intro ‘ round .Fine, but they’d downloaded 75 intros ! So we did 20 as one round and ended the night with a huge singalongey-guess-the-rest of the 55 intros while shoutingthenameof the song/artist as loudly as possible ,and then carry on singing the song ,which had all been picked for their Karaoke potential .It was like being back at Uplands
Four hours sleep and I’m pooped now .