It is on the nearest Saturday in July to full moon

In our house we are all geeting geared up for tomorrow night’s Dunwich Dynamo.

the lycra’s been dusted off ,the padded pants dug out of the cupboard ( their second use is an anti-static duster ) , the flapjack made , the Red Bulls are a chillin in the fridge in the fridge ., the route researched .

To be honest ,I’m a bit worried about that last wiggly bit from Saxmundham – but it should be Ok if I keep in second gear , keep my eyes open for wild boar and turn radio 4 up loud ( did i mention I am going in the car )

take a peek and wish them luck

4 Replies to “It is on the nearest Saturday in July to full moon”

  1. OMG , a couple of years ago some friends lent me a bike and John and I went cycilng with them ,along the towpath at hampton Court – the picnic was packed, the sun shone and it was all very Enid Blyton – apart from my swearing .After about 400m ( metres not miles ) i was in agony .My bum hurt so much – i had to ride the dam thing ,semi-standing .I guess that’s the price you pay for being a size eight ( teen-and counting ) with a pointy coccyx !

  2. Dan and Rory remember a family holiday in the New Forest where I threw a bike down on the ground when I couldn’t work out the gears! Bodies like ours Rachel are not made to cycle! Xxx

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