I forgot to mention – go up to The Southbank to see the red and white spotty trees.
John and I have just returned from our session at the CBC and then a picnic at Cliveden. Since I was 14 , I have kept a diary, writing in it everyday ,up until Dec 21 08, when my world fell apart. Sometimes I look back over old ones . It is a double edged sword , brings back lots of memories BUT sends me crazy with longing for Rosie. Anyway ,last friday , I looked up what I did 10years ago. ….Emma , Harry ( in a buggy ) , Rosie ( off school sick with a headache ) and I went to Cliveden for a picnic. It was a beautiful happy day and as we loved it so much , Rosie, Jacob , Florence and I went back there in the summer with Mandy and Joe for another picnic. We made base camp by the boathouse and the 4 amigos caught minnows in the river ( actually being a souflondon girl , I hadnt a clue as to what they were – could have been a Yellowfin Tuna for all I know – but minnows sounds romantic ) and kept them in our picnic cups.
And did you know Profumo had his affair there ?
Sarah, we all called Googs husband Grant , why do you call him Grunt ???
they were probably bluefin tuna Rachel, no wonder they are endangered!
My attempt at writing in a Kiwi accent………… 🙂