I know in the grand scheme of worry and fear and grief ,your vari-focal glasses snapping in half and in order to be able to see ,your handyman ( John) has to gaffer-tape them to an old pair of his and so you look like a cross between Joe 90 and a deep-sea diver , is nothing ,but it sort of tips you over the edge ( and I mean emotionally ,not the weight of the dam things ) .
So at times like these many people turn to ‘Ted Talks ‘…..but not me ,I turn to ‘Fred Talks’.
Yes ,the inspiration that is Fred, the maitre d’ off ‘First Dates.
I love Fred ,I love ‘First Dates’ and for this series I think he’s been away and swallowed ‘The big fat cheesefest book of love quotes’.
I think my favourite being
”Food makes no difference to the date.One person can be steak and chips and the other a salad and they’ll still love each other .”
Not if he nicked my chips, I bloody well wouldn’t !
Are you watching The Island Rachel? It’s been a perfect replacement for Fresh Meat monday night viewing xx
Funnily enough I have it taped and still have last Fresh Meat to watch .
I’ve got totally bogged down with The Bridge- I love love love Saga …and now I am in love with Martin too .
Then it’ll be catch-up with all the taped stuff !
I haven’t seen The Bridge. You would definitely enjoy the island but be warned, there are some very annoying sexist men on it..the girls are great though.
It is on my ‘too watch’ list