Because the birds have flown and the house has gone a bit quiet and we have joined The National Trust and we are padlock pockets and so will take every available opportunity to use it ,John and I went for a post- Christmas de-brief/planning walk in Osterley Park today and we both decided Christmas was good .
When you are scared about something and wondering how you will cope , maybe ,just maybe , conscious breathing ,digging deep, being in the moment , keeping Rosie at the side of your head ,where she is peeping in ,but not obliterating the view, really helps . There weren’t too many ‘mind-the-gap’ moments and I have had to come to terms with the fact that most people just don’t seem to mention her or make reference to what a sad time of year it is for us . I am in my bubble and they are in theirs .Anniversaries really do matter and they really do affect me , so December is very very tough . When I wake up on Boxing day ,it is a huge relief. It may sound melodramatic , but I feel ‘I’ve survived ‘ and I can relax a little bit .
So thank you to everyone who fed us ,watered us , played games with us, walked with us ,broke bread with us , popped in and sent lovely words .
And in fear of sounding crass ,I really do hope you have a healthy , happy and safe two thousand and seventeen.