I was nearly right… We are now the proud owners of a camera tripod and some summer clothes – which will smell and look good after 3, 60degree washes with a bottle of super strength scented fabric conditioner ( not the tripod )
John and I ventured out to ‘The Hellfire Club’s caves ‘ today – well not exactly , but next door. It reminded me of when we went there with Rosie, Florence, Julia, Bella , Katie and Fiona and all the kids ran down the hill. Julia and I kept the bench warm and cracked open another flask. …Happy days .
Where exactly are these caves?-are they really next door?Have next door got a hill as well?Inside?We’ve got nothing like that in our road. We haven’t even got a bench.We did have a man across the road who sang very well and loudly and ran out of the door naked once. I didn’t mind the singing but you know he was very wrinkly….